What is a website?

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A web page is a hypertext document that is displayed to the user when they enter the domain name of the requested page in their browser. This web page is written in HTML, and all publicly accessible pages together form the World Wide Web, the worldwide Internet network.

Nowadays, there are many ways to create a simple static website. Such a page can be created even by people who have never programmed before or had no experience with creating webpages. Therefore, there are various pages on the web, thanks to which the user can easily lay out their page using pre-made templates and functional blocks according to their wishes. The prices, for such sites are mostly paid on a monthly subscription basis. For a simple page, the prices range from 5,50 € to 29 € per month, if we want to have something more complex like an e-shop, the price is higher, from 20 € to 44 € per month.

More demanding websites are usually created by programmers who work on their own (freelancers) or work for a digital agency. This often determines the final price, which can vary by several thousand euros for the same product, but the difference is in the delivery time. While in a digital agency the whole team works on the website, a freelancer often made everything on their own and therefore the delivery of the final product may be delayed.


This is a person who should have multiple skills in multimedia creation, backend and also frontend creation as they are doing the whole website on their own.  In case of creation through CMS – Content Management System, the frontend and backend are done automatically by this system and the freelancer can interfere and edit them.  The price of course varies depending on the requirements and functionalities of the site, but on average it starts at 200€ for a very simple site, usually made through a pre-made template in the CMS, the most commonly used is WordPress.

Digital agency

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The name already implies that in this case, a multi-person team including a programmer, graphic designer, copywriter, web designer and SEO specialist will take care of the creation. Therefore, in this case, one will pay more money for the creation of a website, ranging from 600 € to 3000 €. Choosing a digital agency is advisable if the project is large and additional services are needed for the online business, from logo design and graphics to marketing.

Additional costs

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The creation of the website and its design is not the only item that needs to be considered, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that in order for the site to function, you need to purchase a domain and hosting for the administration of the site. Depending on the traffic of the site, the price of hosting ranges from 5 € to 30 € per month.

The hosting provider can usually also provide domain registration where the price ranges from 12 € to 25 € per year for the most common ones. In this case, the price varies depending on the domain extension, for example, the .travel extension comes to a price of 135 € per year and we can find even more expensive extensions.

Once the site is set up, the owner will want to take care of the running of the site such as adding articles, updating the price list, adding photos to the portfolio and so on. Such a service will take no more than 4 hours of work per month and can be taken care of by the owner or the owner can leave it to an agency or freelancer, who worked on the site. The service is usually charged with a monthly fee of around 20 € but it also depends on the size of the site.

Final price

The final price can vary quite a bit depending on who creates the website, whether it is created through a pre-made template in the CMS or programmed from scratch to the customer, but in principle, the more functionality and service around the site you need, the more you pay.